Well, I would like to say that this is a long time coming.
I have told myself a hundred times, "it's time to start the Blog."
But I never DID it.
Here I am today, sitting at my keyboard typing up the first post for AngryBytes.xyz. I finally DID it.
The name may be confusing to some, but it's a handle I have been using for a while now in other adventures.
I am Rich. Just Rich. I don't know how to have just one hobby. Is anybody else in that situation? On any given day, my brain is racing between projects, counting down the minutes until I can sit down and focus on a project that's been running through my head all day.
Over the pandemic, I got into Gardening. I grow a lot of peppers and other delicious vegetables that my kids won't eat, their loss. Cooking has been a passion for years, but I am an IT by trade, so anytime that I can forcefully inject some level of nerd into the raw nature that is my garden, I jump at the opportunity. I can also be found tearing apart my 3D printer, making "Improvements." That's really just me fixing another problem and telling myself it's all part of the process. Or I can be found buried in a science fiction book, or any book for that matter, and dreaming of someday writing my own stories.
Recently I have also been following a lot of Dungeons and Dragons on Youtube and podcasts, but I haven't taken the plunge yet into getting into a real game; soon.
This blog is for me, primarily. To document my adventures in all of the hobbies listed above. And hopefully, at least one person will find my adventures in a random google search and find some use out of it. But if you see my recipes for random Keto food, that's so I don't forget it, and I have a place to put them.
For now, come along for the wild ride that is my life, and let's see where it goes.